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Gardening Spotlight: Sunflowers in Bloom

Those of you who know me personally know that I am an avid gardener in my spare time. I love planting and caring for my home garden, especially on beautiful summer days. 

So you can appreciate my excitement now that my sunflowers have bloomed! They are the perfect addition to this serene spot. 

Winter Gardening

Taking the Christmas tree down seems to be a lessor event than decorating it. Wouldn’t you agree? Repacking my families historical ornaments carefully away for the next year makes me think how fast the days in December go by. We have 3 birthdays around the holiday in my family I am pretty busy. 

This weekend was dry so we tackled the cleanup of backyard leaves and branches from the storms. Gardening is a passion of mine and I have always loved working in a garden.  I love to design  gardens as my friends will attest too. Now, I am working to simplify them.  With the Christmas decorations gone and the garden in hibernation things looks pretty bleak in my world.  As Ann Lovejoy says, “as autumn slumps into winter, the garden shares its disarray”.  As I finish my walk around my disarray I feel the cold in my hands and  head back inside for my gardening books and thoughts of warm Spring.