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How To Downsize Your Home

How To Downsize Your Home

Often times, with retirement comes the need to downsize your home to a more manageable size. If the idea of sorting through all of your positions to downsize your home sounds daunting, Forbes has curated a list to help you accomplish the task of downsizing with relative ease.

3 Reasons to Downsize

3 Reasons to Downsize

Downsizing, simply put, is the move from a larger home to a smaller one which usually occurs when one does not have dependents living with them anymore or at retirement. There are many significant benefits to downsizing, including; financial incentives, decluttering your life, and a simplified lifestyle.

9 Benefits of Downsizing your Life

"Downsizing" does not always refer to just moving into a smaller residence. There are many other aspects of living that are important to take into consideration. According to an article on Compact Appliance, "Downsizing should include leading a more simple life in all facets, from scheduling to eating to acquiring. Once we focus on the totality of downsizing, the benefits increase exponentially."

Explore these nine benefits that those who have previously downsized are smiling about: 

  1. Decrease of Stress
  2. Better Financial Picture
  3. Uptick in Energy
  4. Increased Free Time
  5. Less Space
  6. New Sense of Community
  7. Greater Sense of Control
  8. Contributing to Good Environmental Stewardship
  9. A New Freedom

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